How To Maximize Your Email Campaign Outreach

Avatar for Kat Garcia Kat Garcia
Avatar for Kat Garcia Kat Garcia

January 11, 2023

8 min read

How To Maximize Your Email Campaign Outreach

Email marketing feels seemingly endless in terms of how to have a successful outreach campaign. It can come from finding the right audience to contact, coming up with exciting emails, and having a great call to action (CTA). When it comes to email marketing it’s essential to consider all details.

Here we’ll talk about the best email marketing tips to improve your strategy, your business, and ultimately how to make the most out of your outreach campaign. Whether your end goal is to get more responses, higher conversion rates, or increase overall ROI, we have you covered.

Maximize Your Email Campaign Outreach

1. Do Your Research

Email marketing is still the best and most effective way to reach your target audience and remains the most profitable form of marketing. To make email marketing as powerful as possible, you need to do your research. By researching important information about your audience you will be able to have a better understanding of their desires and expectations - you can then send them information that they actually want to receive. You will want to take a look at your competitors to see what works for them, the content they produce, share, and more. You can also find your research by looking at posts your audience shares on social platforms such as LinkedIn or see what types of comments they write or reviews they post.

2. Your Subject Line Matters

A simple line of text holds a lot of power. Your email’s subject line is one of the most important parts of your email campaign. A bad subject line can not only be a major turn-off to prospective clients but it can also cost you business. Hubspot recently reported that 35% of recipients open their emails based on the subject line alone. The main goal of the email’s subject line is to give the recipient an insight into what your product or service is all about. It should be enticing enough for the recipient to want to click on it and create interest.

Imagine that the subject line is the flirty smile that your recipients first see, the first interaction with a potential client. It shows a peak at what your company is all about. You want your customers to click on your link, use a subject line work clicking on.

3. Personalize Your Emails

Personalization of your emails is a great way to improve your email outreach and an essential component to the success of your campaigns. Emails with personalized and unique subject lines are more likely to open traditional ones. When you personalize your subject line and email content, you make your clients feel special and unique. Most people like to feel that they are receiving an email from an actual person, not an automated, templated email. Here are some key components of email personalization:

  • Have your emails unique and appealing, try to think outside of the box, and give your readers something they won’t receive from anyone else
  • You can track the users’ activity on your website and see what they were interested and send them recommendations based on their activity, helping them take that final action
  • Try out some humor in your email marketing and keep your recipients entertained and attention sparked.

As a rule of thumb, make your emails sound like they are written by an actual person, and even better if it sounds like someone who works within the company. Take it a step further by ensuring that your reply address is the same as the one who sent the email. Encourage replies and start discussions via email to improve engagement rates with your customers. This could look like asking questions or encouraging replies directly at the end of the email and a strong call to action.

People value when they feel that a message was specifically designed for them. For example, you can include their first name in the subject line and opening sentence. Personalize the campaigns into specific niches when you know that certain customers like a certain product or service based on their purchase history.

Some companies also go as bold as to send emails that are not in any special template, no promotional imagery, just raw email. Remember that you’re writing an email, not a pamphlet or a detailed infographic. The email was designed for person-to-person communication, so why should a company-to-person email be any different?

The better personalization an email has, it will be more likely that a customer will open the email, click the CTA, and convert.

4. Short Emails are Key

As we mentioned above, recipients like to feel a message is written by an actual person and not an automated response. With this in mind, you should also try to keep your emails short and to the point when it comes to email marketing. People don’t have the time to read long emails.

According to Hubspot, emails that are shorter than 200 words are the ones with the highest click-through rates. You should try to aim for emails with a length of 50-125 words to get the best results. But keep in mind that emails that are too short aren’t going to help you in the long run. You should be providing enough value and details so your audience knows the value of your product and what the next steps they should take are. That includes a powerful CTA. This will help increase your conversion rates.

Try to keep it to these three key points:

  • A short introduction on why you’re writing this email and what the product or service is
  • How the product or service can benefit the customer
  • The CTA, what next step do they need to take

Aim for a short outreach email that includes two follow-up emails. A follow-up email is designed to gather more information after a significant point in the customer journey. You should add context by mentioning the previous interaction the customer had, making sure to include value to the email, explaining why you’re sending the email, and, again, a CTA.

While promotional emails are a wonderful way to generate interest in your company, sometimes they can be undesirable when they are too wordy or overwhelming. In order to keep interest and get people more excited about your product or service it’s important to keep your emails short but informative.

5. Identify Who You’re Talking To

As we mentioned earlier, personal emails are the best way to engage with your audience. A successful outreach strategy is one that identifies and targets the decision-makers. You will then be able to tailor your marketing process and messages to their needs and make your pitch more convincing.

First, find out:

  • Who is making the decision
  • What are they looking for
  • What they want to achieve

Keep in mind their industry or specialty to help make your message even more compelling and niche to your target audience. Email marketing that targets specific audiences can be much more successful than those that send out “one size fits all” messages.

Identifying the right people not only helps you craft more personalized messages but also helps you be more concise when writing your messages.

6. Maintain A Strong Sender Reputation Score

Around 20% of commercial emails don’t reach their intended inboxes. Having a strong sender reputation score will help set you apart from your competition.

A sender reputation score is a numerical value that is given to IP addresses that determine whether your emails will be delivered or not. A sender reputation score is determined by mailbox providers that take into account how many spam complaints you’ve received, how many unknown users you email, if you’re on any industry blacklists and more. A sender reputation is a crucial part of your email marketing campaign because it can inhibit how your messages are delivered.

This process also involves maintaining a strong engagement with your customers. You should also maintain a clean and healthy email list. By having a clean list and using a list verification tool you can eliminate the threat of sending unknown, undeliverable, or spam trap emails, thus helping your sender reputation score. Having a good sender reputation score will also help you identify contacts that are actively engaging with your campaigns and those who are not so interested - you can then send them less frequent emails to help avoid getting sent to spam.

7. Maintain A Clean Email List

You should keep a clean email list as a general rule of thumb. By having a clean and healthy email list you are not only helping yourself stay off any blacklists but also keeping good housekeeping when it comes to sending successful email campaigns.

With an email verification tool like Emailable, you can export only clean lists that have proven deliverable emails. This also helps you to understand your metrics and audience even better. When you are able to see a clean list of those engaged with your campaigns you’re able to target their wants and needs. This helps you further your email personalization and improve engagement.

Most of all, having a clean list helps you avoid any spam filters you may run into. Spam filters are some of email marketers’ worst nightmares. When you fall prey to them it can be a hard road to recovery. Do yourself the favor and avoid them before you have to work doubly hard to get your sender reputation score back to good standing.

The Best Ways to Maximize Your Email Outreach Campaigns

The best ways to maximize your email outreach efforts come from the very beginning of your campaign writing process. It is important to always remember that even the smallest of details matter, such as your subject line or your CTA.

Start by doing your research and understanding the “why” you are writing this email campaign, understand the pain points of your customers and empathize with them. This shows that you care about the industry and want to make it better and have the solution they are looking for. See what your competitors are doing, and what is making them successful. See how to leverage this information to integrate it with your campaign.

Subject lines are not to be forgotten. Subject lines are the first interaction a user has with your email campaign, you want to make it enticing enough for them to open without giving too much information away.

Personalize your emails. People feel a small spark inside of them when they receive an email that seems to have been written just for them. This is a great way to interact with your audience and improve your engagement. Try to sound like a real human being when crafting your email. No one wants to receive a seemingly templated email that has a sales-y undertone.

Take advantage of short emails. No one and I mean no one, wants to take time out of their day to read a long email that comes from one of their product or service providers. Make your emails easy to digest. Keep them short, sweet, and to the point. Try using bullet points, something easily scannable. This keeps the reader’s attention and helps them understand what the main benefit of your product or service is.

This goes along with personalization, but remember to understand who you’re talking to. Make sure to target the decision maker and drive your point in with a personalized and short email with a strong call to action at the end.

Maintain a strong sender reputation score. Having a strong sender reputation score helps your emails get delivered and reach the audience’s inbox. The higher the score, the better the delivery rate.

You can maintain a higher sender reputation score, and avoid spam traps and blacklists when you have a clean and healthy email list. Your lists decay up to 4% annually, you should be regularly cleaning your lists of any undeliverable, risky, or spam trap emails to help your deliverability as well as help target your niche more effectively.

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